男,中国居民身份证号码210719196406060818,葫芦岛希瑞集团有限公司原董事长,涉嫌骗取贷款罪。2012年3月21日外逃至加拿大。外逃所持证照:G28216852、W27479091。目前可能居住地: Fred Varley Dr. Markham,Canada。
Yang Xili, male, Chinese ID No. 210719196406060818, former Chairman of Huludao Xirui Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of loan frauds, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G28216852 and W27479091 on March 21, 2012. Possible location of current residence: Fred Varley Dr. Markham, Canada.
男,中国居民身份证号码530102194711110717,云南锡业集团有限责任公司原董事长,涉嫌受贿罪。2012年12月21日外逃至美国,外逃所持证照:G53362449、G02559152。目前可能居住地:31Ave, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, USA。
Xiao Jianming, male, Chinese ID No. 530102194711110717, former Chairman of Yunnan Tin Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G53362449 and G02559152 on December 21, 2012. Possible location of current residence: 31Ave, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, the United States.
男,中国居民身份证号码230202196108191034,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市信用担保有限责任公司总经理,涉嫌职务侵占罪。2011年1月21日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持证照:G21605807、W19254471。目前可能居住地:Ackroyd Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada。
Xiao Bin, male, Chinese ID No. 230202196108191034, former general manager of Qiqihar Credit Guarantee Company Limited of Heilongjiang Province, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G21605807 and W19254471 on January 21, 2011. Possible location of current residence: Ackroyd Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.
男,中国居民身份证号码320821196512216110,淮安市棉麻公司原董事长,涉嫌挪用资金罪、职务侵占罪、骗取贷款罪。2013年11月7日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持证照: G31957770、W41415087、T03853949。
Wu Qing, male, Chinese ID No. 320821196512216110, former Chairman of Huaian Cotton and Linen Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of fund misappropriation, duty encroachment and loan frauds, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G31957770, W41415087 and T03853949 on November 7, 2013.
男,中国居民身份证号码332601196205150331,浙江昌大进出口有限公司原经理,涉嫌合同诈骗、抽逃出资罪。2010年2月9日外逃美国,外逃所持证照:G26857053。目前可能居住地:Columbia Ave, New York, NY, USA。
Qiu Gengmin, male, Chinese ID No. 332601196205150331, former Manager of Zhejiang Changda Import and Export Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of contract fraud and withdrawing capital, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G26857053 on February 9, 2010. Possible location of current residence: Columbia Ave, New York, NY, the United States.
男,中国居民身份证号码220102194911252813,中国电力公司战略研究与规划部原主任,涉嫌挪用公款罪。2002年6月5日外逃至新西兰,外逃所持证照:148663595、P4937287、LN804253。目前可能居住地:Compass Point Way, 2012 Half Moon Bay, Auckland, New Zealand。
Chen Xingming, male, Chinese ID No. 220102194911252813, former Director of Strategy Research &Planning Department of China Electric Power Limited, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered 148663595, P4937287 and LN804253 on June 5, 2002. Possible location of current residence: Compass Point Way, 2012 Half Moon Bay, Auckland, New Zealand.
男,中国居民身份证号码210202196008061714,大连远洋运输公司派驻韩国大仁轮渡有限公司大连办事处原主任,涉嫌贪污罪。2015年3月26日外逃至美国,外逃所持证照: G26981558。
Zhou Quan, male, Chinese ID No. 210202196008061714, former Director of Dalian Liaison Office of Korea Da-in Ferry as seconded by Dalian Ocean Shipping Company, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G26981558 on March 26, 2015.
男,中国居民身份证号码330323196408060635,浙江省乐清市城东街道蛎灰窑村原党支部书记、建桥建设集团有限公司原法定代表人,涉嫌非法吸收公众存款罪、骗取贷款、票据承兑罪。2013年11月6日外逃美国,外逃所持证照:E00909767。目前可能居住地:ELM St, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, USA。
Zhou Jianhua, male, Chinese ID No. 330323196408060635, former Party Branch Secretary of Li Huiyao Village of Chengdong Sub-district of Leqing City of Zhejiang and former Legal Representative of Jianqiao Construction Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of illegally collecting public deposits, loan frauds and bill acceptance, fled to the United States with travel document numbered E00909767 on November 6, 2013. Possible location of current residence: ELM St, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, the United States.
Zhou Jinghua, female, Chinese ID No. 440524196909075424, former manager of Thailand Project of Real Estate Development Co.,LTD of Yunnan Copper Group, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement , fled to Thailand with travel document numbered P392392 in May 2010.
Zheng Dongqiang, male, Chinese ID No. 350204195309042057, former Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Deputy Director of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes, fled to Hong Kong with travel document numbered W94808693 on January 12, 2016.